Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dim Sum Buffet @ Mandarin Palace Restaurant

Mandarin Palace Restaurant 是座落在Federal Hotel, KL 四星级的酒店。[在Lowyat Plaza 正门口左手边的大厦]

这是第一次去吃点心自助餐(All You Can Eat Dim Sum Lunch), 在公司收到一个电子邮件关于点心自助餐有特别优惠价,所以就和 Makan Gang 约好了在假期时去吃。

星期一到五RM20++ (大人,adult), RM15++ (小孩,child/senior citizen*),只限12pm 到 2pm
Unlimited dim sum + porridge + noodle + dessert

在四星级的餐厅用餐环境肯定是不错的... 那里的服务生多数是上了年纪看起来都是退休人士,连领队(Captain)都差不多一样。

大约12pm 我们都到了,坐下不久后..
服务生就上前来问:你们是吃 Ala-Carte 还是自助餐?
服务生:"那好,食物先上给来吃 Ala-Carte 的,你们等一下有剩的就拿给你们"
我马上傻眼,好像被骗了的感觉! 当我们是什么,乞丐啊? 真过份...


Har Gao, 大概只有一只半的虾,味道还不错

每一样都只吃那一口,因为份量太少了。 有猪扒饭, 叉烧饭,烧肉饭鸭肉饭

烧卖很咸,其它食物都还不错。我个人比较喜欢吃炸芋头叉烧包CCF. 真的好吃!!

1. 一壶茶,人头收费一人RM2.50 觉得很不划算,因为加水了几次后就好像在和温水,完全失去了茶味,服务生也没换茶叶还很不爽的吧茶壶还给我们,服务态度真的不好。

2. 我们点了 Loh Mai Kai,她们说在蒸着等了好久都没来,大约 1.20pm 我们再点多一次。服务生既然说没有了,我们明明就看见 Loh Mai Kai 摆在食物车上,既然没推过来。点了两碟CCF 却来一碟吧了,真的是太过份了!! 那时真的要给我们气炸了!!

3. 糖水只有四种,没什么特别所以没拍照。重点是糖水完了他们只加会其中一样吧了! 可恶。

4. 到了1.30pm 他们开始收拾餐具,广告是清楚的写着 12pm-2pm. 没想到那么早就想敢人走,食物既然还有限量,真的是被骗了,四星级餐丁原来是这样做优惠的Kanasai !!

回到了公司即可写了投诉信,大家都吃到不爽。我已经E-Mail 相关人士。希望他们能改善服务态度,恢复四星级的程度。没想到我从曼谷回来时,Makan Gang 既然说酒店经理邀请我们回去吃(是免费的)当是道歉,很可惜除了我以外没有人想去,他们都不敢去。实在是太浪费了!!! 失望....

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fullhouse @ Ara Damansara

This restaurant located Niu Che Shui@Ara Damansara.
This location seem like going to abandon soon.. many shop are not occupied, less than 10 shop operate for business..
[ Me, Jun, Brother and Wei Peng]
So difficult for us to find this place.. my gps is out of battery.. so we juz drove there and ask around ppl walking on the street..
Luckily we manage to get there.. I blog about food most of the time, so I didn't take much picture over there ^^ Nice environment indeed. Still many ppl dine in
Many say their food not nice, some ppl say so so only.. erm.. But, to me was alright! check this out!

we ordered-
1. Chicken Chop + mashed potato - RM16.90 - This is their signature food, Nice!

2. Olio Spaghetti - RM13.90

3. Dory Fish - RM14.90 - Nice, "small portion"

4. Salmon Sandwich - RM15.60 - Nice

5. Peppermint Chocolate Blended - RM6.90 - Nice, must try!

Decoration of this restaurant..

I Found Goofy in the dark..

The Signage will change colour..

Krispy Kreme + Starbucks

Krispy Kreme - this is the first time I try this doughnut.

We ordered: from the Top left - New York Cheese, Chocolate Iced Kreme filled, Cappuccino Franco and Strawberry flavor.
Per doughnuts - expensive than others

Inside the doughnut, filled with kreme.. Jun said:" the strawberry flavour doughnut filled with strawberry jam inside, nothing special.."

My review: Too Sweet!! really tak tahan..very geli by taking two doughnuts.. I will try the plain doughnut nex round, will share my review with all of you..

After that, we went to Starbucks for drink.. I ordered Green Tea Frappuccino+ Java chips (additional RM2.00), recommended by ORANGE. - Nice!

Jun got his Iced Green Tea and Woon's Caramel Latte.

Wanted to go Pavilion for photo shooting due to heavy rain so we just hang out at Time Square till 8 pm then we bc home..


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